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Andrés G. Leiva, David Muñoz

World rights available
  • Páginas: 128
  • Color: Black and white, and colour
  • Tapas: Hardback
  • Size: 22 x 31 cm.
  • Edition number: 1
  • ISBN: 978-84-19670-56-4
  • EAN: 9788419670564
  • Published: 2024
  • Collection: Sillón Orejero

A sequel to Frankenstein, Mary W. Shelley's brilliant novel, in which special emphasis is placed on the psychological construction of the monster created by Dr. Frankenstein.


In a neighborhood on the south side of Madrid in Franco's Spain, an immortal monster born in 1816 has at last obtained what he has always wanted: a quiet life among people who do not suspect that his gigantic, scar-covered hands have put an end to the lives of many innocents. He is at peace. Until one night when the emotions he has repressed for so long begin to awaken. It's time to live again. And time to love... and suffer... and hate again.