Una laowai en Shanghái
[A Laowai in Shanghai]
Elisa Riera
World rights available
- Pages: 160
- Color: Color
- Cover: Hardback
- Size: 24 x 14 cm.
- Edition number: 1
- ISBN: 978-84-17575-77-9
- EAN: 9788417575779
- Published: 2020
- Collection: Sillón Orejero
Chinese-Spanish culture shock
Una laowai en Shanghai describes the relationship between Elisa, a Barcelona-born fashion consultant and the illustrator of this comic, and Esme, her interpreter, in the massive and savage city of Shanghai. Esme is a native of China and accompanies Elisa on her business trips that occur once a month. Elisa is the laowai, the foreigner, and will always be, no matter how many times she has been to China. Thus, both establish a relationship of many volleys back-and-forth, with the recurring culture shocks and existential doubts.